Following a rocky year and with a significant strain on cash flow for UK business, security protection for commercial equipment, tools, stock, and premises has never been so important for business owners and self-employed contractors.
Security protection for commercial premises
Commercial property is often an easy target for thieves because of the quantity of high value goods which are stored on the premises. Equipment and stock offer an opportunity for thieves to move goods on and make money quickly. Subsequently, often warehouse premises can be tucked away on unlit industrial estates which are quiet, especially when premises shut up for the holidays and over the Christmas period.
To improve security protection for a commercial premises, SGS Systems recommend a range of commercial security products to suit individual businesses. These include commercial security alarm installation which can be connected to a Police response centre for an added level of security. There is also the option of smoke security, which in seconds will immediately fill rooms with thick dense fog to disorientate intruders and prevent them from moving any further through the premises. Then there is CCTV monitoring equipment to surveillance both internal and external areas of a property, and Security Lighting to illuminate doorways and dark areas around a commercial building, which could be risk assesses as vulnerable break-in areas.
Security protection for commercial vehicles
Not only can commercial vehicle be worth substantial value, but commercial vehicles owners and contractors often store and carry high value tools and stock inside their vehicles, in preparation to use on upcoming jobs and for customer appointments. Thieves target vehicles because they can quickly sell tools on to other workers for a decent price.
To improve security protection for commercial vehicles, SGS Systems recommend a range of commercial security products to protect vehicles. With the season of long dark nights, it is important to park vehicles in well-lit areas which are monitored by 24/7 CCTV security. As well as Security Lighting to illuminate external areas around a vehicle to deter thieves from breaking in.
We also recommend keeping tools and high value stock out of sight and securing a vehicle by other means of vehicle security for an added level of property security protection.
To find out more about security protection this season please speak to our team for a confidential review of your company to assess where property security needs can be met over the winter months.